This password generator is a fun and easy way to create memorable passwords.
It uses random words from Urban Dictionary to create a password string that you won't forget!
How to use the the app:
"Generate New" - Pressing this button will generate a password based on the all of the options below using random phrases from urban dictionary.
"Copy" - Pressing this button will copy the text that is in the password field at the top of the screen
"Desired password length" - The length the password will be, this includes numbers and special characters, if those options are on.
"Randomize case" - When this option is on, each characters case in the string will be random.
"Use Numbers" - When this option is on, random numbers will be added to the password.
"Add special characters" - When this option is on, random special characters will be added to the password.
"Intensity" - This slider modifies the amount of special characters or numbers that will be added. With those options on and Intensity at 100% the password will be 50% Urban Dictionary phrases and 50% random characters or numbers.
"Add Numbers/Characters at:" - Specifies where the numbers or special characters (if enabled) will be added. Options are None, Front of PW, End of PW, Random